Sunday, April 16, 2017

Blog 3: The work has just begun

I've never really wanted to be an entrepreneur. In fact, I usually felt that being one involved doing things that I was not really that interested in - things that are not design based. However, two things have changed lately.

The first change took place since I started the MII-PS program at CMU. Through it, I realized that almost every aspect of a business can be used as a way to affect customers - all these decisions can be thought of as human centered design. This includes the business plan, the marketing plan, and even the company culture in today's digitized world.

The second change that took place was that I got very excited and motivated by the idea that I'm working on now - that of  providing end-to-end solutions for child serving organizations. 

Over the past few weeks, there have been two kinds of explosions going on in my head. The first is all the things that I can see this venture achieving, and the second is the host of questions that any potential entrepreneur starts to have - will I be able to do this, will they like it, how should I price...

So I have decided on two courses of action. 

I discussed the issue of having many ideas of what my venture could achieve with Ms. Sheryl Root, a professor of mine. She suggested that I hold a brainstorming session to put all these things down on paper, and that I should then order them in time to make a plan of what I would like to achieve in the short, medium, and long term.

The second course of action is to do something similar with all the questions I have - list them out as they occur, and systematically work on answering them.

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