Sunday, May 8, 2011

Capacity Building

Capacity building is more and more becoming critical for Non profits to perform effectively. So based on this article the major problem with capacity building within non profits is that there is no shared definition of th term capacity building.
Non profits are good,many of them filled with motivated individuals who are driven and direct all their attention and resource spent on fighting for social causes with keep administrative cost low. I believe this article points out the fact that non profits can move from good to great if some focus is given to capacity building.

The article outlines 3 lesson on capacity building that every organization especially non profits should focus on to help their capacity building.
1. The act of resetting aspiration and strategy: As stated by the article this is the first step to dramatically improve an organizations capacity. In my own understanding, i believe that resetting aspiration and strategy bring about renewed passion,more efficiency and effectiveness if properly aligned with the other aspects of the organization
2.Importance of good management: This cannot be stressed enough, having the right management team that is dedicated to ensure capacity building is happening and continuously improved.
3.You must patience: This applies to every thing in life. Most situations are not easy and the effect of an organization rarely shows over night, things are very complicated and usually take longer than people expect.