Monday, April 9, 2012

Social entrepreneurs or not

I used to hear the term "entrepreneurial spirit" often. But as I think about entrepreneurs I can't actually name anyone that I know personally who I'd classify as an entrepreneur.  I know small business owners (contractors, dentists, day care centers) but those aren't businesses I'd use to categorize an entrepreneur.  They are small business owners supporting their families.  Even as I think about the successful (14 years operation or more) social service organizations started and run by one person I still don't consider them entrepreneurs.  But what I do know about one of the social service organizations is that the founder approached it from a business standpoint and hired administrative people who had significant for profit business expertise in areas other than she had and she did not try to be everything to the agency. It eventually became successful enough that they increased their contracts and grew their sites to include operations outside of the founding location.  Their growth was gradual and specific to not include things outside of their initial realm, their mission stayed the same.
While I don't think of this organization as as entrepreneurial I do think the application of growth has been disciplined and grounded in the realities of the ideas of if something doesn't work for them consider it carefully before getting rid of it and reworking it to something else that does  

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