Monday, March 14, 2011


Truly great companies understand the difference between what should never change and what should be open for change. Being able to manage the intrinsic value of the company and the changes in world, such as markets, technology, competition and resources.

Vision provides guidance about what core to preserve and what future to progress towards. From the reading, we are told that A well- conceived vision consists of two major components – core ideology and envisioned future. In the article on 14 ways to be a great startup CEO, the first point outlined was the need for the CEO to be a keeper of the company vision, being able to keep things on course and standing firmly on the fundamental values in which the company/ organization was built is very necessary. Have a consistent value that would always exist despite every technological, market or even leadership change. As stated by the article, Core ideology is that glue that holds the company together as it grows, decentralizes, diversifies, expands globally and develops workplace. While core values are the essential and enduring beliefs of the organizations. The vision of a company makes us understand that while financial values are important to the company/organization there is a more deeper reason in why they exists. For example Heinz College not only exists to get our $36,800 per student tuition per year, but the core purpose of Heinz College is to create men and women for intelligent actions.

Well after doing the readings and sitting back and thinking of everyone's social venture, it is clear that while we all hope to achieve financial gain, we are also seeking to make the society a better place with our ventures. And hopefully all our visions stand the test of time.

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