Sunday, March 24, 2013

Narrowing the focus

In lecture this week, Professor Zak posted a quote from Eugene Kleiner, a legendary VC that read "what tips me off that a business will be successful is that they have a narrow focus of what they want to do, and they plan a sufficient amount of effort and money to do it. Focus is essential." This, in addition to Professor Zak's feedback from our presentation (we need to narrow our focus more) caused me to really reevaluate our product offering. To be honest with myself, I think after interning with Deloitte, a well established consulting firm that serves many industries, I was too ambitious and thought that we could specialize in everything. However, I realize now that we can't specialize in everything. As Professor Zak said in our meeting "Consulting is not a scalable business. In order to become specialized in various industries, you have to start with one specialization and expand your man power/business till you become specialized in many different industries." He went on to explain that nobody will believe that you can become specialized in a myriad of industries and be very good in many different specializations on day 1. As of right now, our services are as follows:

  • web platform
  • custom designed and facilitated interracial activities
  • facilitated interracial working sessions
  • emergency intervention
  • conflict resolution
  • measurement and tracking
I think, given the number of services that we have, we can keep all of these services. However, I think that we need to specialize in one to two different services in order to be more believable. I will have to discuss more with my partners, but in my opinion, I think that we should specialize in web platform and measurement and tracking. The reason I chose the web platform is because I think that it is our number one selling point. There are many diversity & inclusion firms, but many do not have a web platform. I chose measurement and tracking because if we cannot measure and track our progress, how can we ever prove to our potential clients that we are actually creating the benefit that they paid for/we will get paid for.

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