Monday, March 18, 2013

Building Blocks

 After reading the article on "14 Ways to be a Great Start Up CEO", I began to think of the various articles, news reports, books, and documentaries I have seen about the start up world. In retrospect when I really sit down and think about it seems like fairy tale story that often cannot be scripted or duplicated. Start-ups often face daunting odds and more often than not they do not make it through. But for those companies that do survive those few years and establish themselves well, there seems to be a common theme for their executive team and employees.

The CEO and his employees undoubtedly believe in the mission of the company. As for me is the most important trait/characteristic a company must have. There is no doubt that will be various moments where the company maybe on the border line of destruction but if those involved truly believe in the mission the company has an actual chance of survival. If not, it is quite likely it will not be able to survive.

Secondly, all successful entrepreneurs I have read about or encountered have echoed one common theme, surround yourself with individuals who are smarter than you. As the leader of an organization you're not going to be the best at everything. There's a few things we are all really good at, and of course there's always that on person that seems to be good at everything. Yet, we cannot always do everything. If the company is fortunate enough to be successful growth is inevitable, thus it is even more crucial to find the right supporting cast. Which more often that not proves to be a very very difficult task.

This leads me to of course think about the venture Pedro and I are trying to attempting to launch. We have various ideas and have continuously thought of ways of how to improve the project. But all of these ideas are based on hypothetical situation. It may all seem as if it will all work out and nothing will go wrong, but we are not naive. While we still find ourselves in the starting stages of the company, we have to keep in the back of our minds these two very important traits. They will be the deciding factors that will lead to success or failure.

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