Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Jackie Shimshoni: Ground-Up Development

In this week’s readings, the idea that comes over and over again is the idea of starting from the bottom.  For weeks we have focused on big-picture ideation; now, having all of that knowledge, we are being grounded into the here and now, restraining ambition that could blind practicality for beginning smartly.  In class, the idea of trying to attract people when you have nothing to offer was discussed (the “blind date”); I decided to look for a few more resources that related to these ideas.

Building an Online Business From the Ground Up: This is about building an online business from the ground up, but it does address the idea of how to make yourself known and make something out of nothing—freelancing in your industry.  This may not be applicable in many cases, but other things can help too—for example, something as simple as tutoring to gain a reputation and experience as an educator (this is something I did back in Florida!).

7 Tips For Startup Business Development: David Vs. Goliath: This is an engaging article that uses my old favorite—metaphor (in this case, David and Goliath).  It has some great ideas about the relationships needed to pitch your idea to a CEO of a larger company.

Rejection Therapy: A Hundred Days of No: This article is about a guy doing “100 Days of Rejection Therapy”.  Not only does it talk about him becoming more comfortable with rejection, but the ability to handle it in such a way that a soft “no” can be turned to a “yes”.  I think in starting from the ground up, and working with something as complex as a startup, there are a LOT of “no’s” and it’s good to become ok with them without becoming discouraged or taking it personally.  This is definitely something I have been learning in this process!!

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