Monday, March 26, 2012

Noticing past failures

While employed at a previous job I was excited about new opportunities in providing community services, a collaboration project among community organizations.  However as time wore on it began to be apparent that the leadership in the different organizations were doing things that were far from who they had become.  They were selling out in search of funding lines.  In hindsight it appears that many if not most of the organizations had no defined core value or philosophy other than providing services.  A few of the organizations pulled out of the collaboration.  As I think about it now, the ones who did pull out did so possibly in order to not have to compromise on their core values.  Additionally, in my work experiences, I've noticed that a lot of organizations struggle but surround themselves with friends and people who don't really add different value.  Passion is fine and notable, but we need to push ourselves with those other areas, tech, financial, management.

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