Monday, March 31, 2014

Vision, Mission and Overarching Goals

Time and again I have come across the importance of creating a 'vision'. Steve Jobs who firing his best engineers just because they didn't share the vision of the company is an example of how important it is to create something that the company is built to achieve, something it stands for no matter what.

In one of my Strategy classes, I read an article by James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras called 'Building Your Company's Vision'. The article illustrates the importance of have a core vision, and how successful companies stuck to their core vision even if it turns out to be competitive disadvantage.

As per the article, there are 4 aspects that a company needs to define in order to have a successful vision:

1. Core Vision:
- Core Values: Internal guiding principles of an organization
- Core Purpose: The reason for existing
2. Envisioned Future:
- BHAG: Overarching goals achievable in the next 30 years
- Vivid Description : Make the goals tangible

To do this for Clip, I had to go back and think about the initial concept, why we really wanted to do what we did, and what were the core values behind it. Here is what I came up with, but I want to continue working on refining these as we move along the course.

1. Core Vision:
- Core Values:
Well designed, innovative products for the good of humanity
Extensive Imagination & Creativity
Making life easy for people

- Core Purpose:
To design for real needs

2. Envisioned Future:
- BHAG: Overarching goals achievable in the next 30 years
Become the next Ikea
- Vivid Description : Make the goals tangible
We plan to make need based products, really understand our user and make products that fit their aspirations and lifestyle. Our core strength will be a deep understanding of our customer's needs and this is what will help take us where we want to be.

I would like to end with a TED Talk by Simon Sinek, where is articulates the importance of knowing why you are doing what you are doing, and conveying that to your customers.

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