Is my social venture worth my time? While the reading “6
questions to find out if you have a killer idea” prompted me to answer
truthfully, I felt that the answer was not a simple one. If I was to determine
my “worth” in terms of money then perhaps this venture would not maximize my “worth”.
However, I evaluate my self-worth in terms of how I impact people around me and
my social venture addresses a problem I care about. Hence it is worth my time.
This realization made me think of how I need to build
a team or have “allies” who are like-minded and gauge their worth not through
salary but by their ability to create positive change. While researching tips
on building strong alliances I came across an article “How can startups retain
and build talent?” At this stage of development of my idea I have been reaching
out to various stakeholders so that they can provide me with feedback and
insights based on their experience. The aforementioned article helped me select
who to reach out to as it recommended reaching out to people in one’s personal networks because “they may suggest
or refer people with the right orientation given their deeper knowledge of you
and perhaps respect/ support for what you are doing.”
Now I have a list of
stakeholders who I am developing a questionnaire for to understand my target
market better and I am asking people in my personal network to connect me to
them. This week I am going to
be working on understanding people who will benefit from my social venture. I
hope to conduct a needs-analysis of sorts as I feel that this will give me
greater clarity in developing my end product.
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