Sunday, April 22, 2012

Caine's Arcade

The attached link is about a young boy named Caine, and his cardboard arcade, built in front of his fathers los angeles auto-body shop. Caine not only designed and built each game in his arcade but created an entire system behind it. There are different ticket values, membership packages, currency, and prizes. While it started as fun for a young boy, it turned into an internet phenomenon. A video about Caines arcade has gone viral, triggering a website launch, where profits are held in  a college fund for Caine himself.

I think this a great example of how innovation and imagination can be powerful parts of the things you love to do on a normal basis, and just how far those things can take you. Entrepreneurship comes in strange forms, including 9-year-olds.  Enjoy!

Caine's Arcade

1 comment:

  1. Nate, this is such a lovely story. I saw this link three days ago and had the same thought. Thanks for sharing,
